Jan 3, 2010

Illuminati and The Music Industry: Hmmm. . .

Ok. . . so recently i've been hearing a lot of people say that "Jay-Z, Kanye and Rihanna are Devil worshipers.." etc. At first i kind of just left it alone and figured that people were just talking crap because they're hot right now etc. Then, I finally decided to do some research about this and then come up with my own opinion.

For those of you who don't know what illuminati is, its basically connected to the New World Order. Cult like practices from individuals whose goal is to ultimately take over the world. Most of the people who practice this have basically sold their souls for success. They engage in satanic rituals and try to bring about change by subliminally brainwashing society.

After looking into this, i saw that not only were Jay, Kanye and Rihanna linked to Illuminati and freemasonry. . .but, quite a few other artists were involved in this practice as well. From, hip=hop to pop to rock to reggae, alot of artists make reference to various illuminati practices as well as display illuminati images in videos and even their apparel.

watch these videos and let me know what you think. ..

This video talks about illuminati in music as a whole and suggests that is contributed to Michael Jackson's death.

This video focuses on Jay-Z and his illuminati practice. . .I actually noticed that most people refer to him when it comes to this. . .maybe its because he is a 3rd degree mason..

Other Videos. . .

Ok, well do I think that Illuminati killed MJ, hmm. . .not exactly sure, but it does seem possible. I honestly think that not ALL of the artists mentioned in the video actively participate in illuminati, but more so, its a hot topic to rap/sing about. That being said, I do strongly agree that illuminati practices are strongly prevalent in not only the music industry, but in Hollywood and the political arena as well.

As far as Jay-Z goes, im on the fence. . .it may be true, but hey, who am I to judge. . .

What do you think?

Update: I've been doing more research and got some really interesting things. . .stay tuned for a Mzskeen's World Video Update. . .its too much to type. . so i will have to record. . .


1 comment:

  1. oh ive been reading this illuminati and music industry crap since i was kid and im telling u...do not buy into it. Conspiracy theories are made to lead sheep. Dont be gullable...

    Another thing that bothers me about these theories is that the general message is if your black and successful, its only possible because u worship the devil. Makes me wonder who is really behind these accusations. I personally think these fables have been created to attack black professionals at a grass root level. Think about it...why are mostly black individuals the ones be ousted as Freemasons? A society that is supposed to be shrouded in secrecy and was once known as a white exclusive affair.
