Apr 20, 2010

Monique's Brother Apologizes on Oprah

Recently, Gerald Imes, the older brother of comedian/actrees Monique, went on to the Oprah show to publicly apologize to his sister for molesting her when she was only 7 years old.Imes said that his apology and public acknowledgment of what he did, was to clear the air to bring their family back together. Is he being genuine, or is he trying to get in her good graces now that she's won the Academy Award?

Check out a quick clip here:

I'm not quite sure about how i feel about this. All i know is that its a family issue and maybe him going mainstream wasn't such a good idea. Just my opinion.


  1. I don't feel he did the apology solely because of her recent win however I do feel the performance pushed him just a little more. Its disgusting what he did to her and how he truly seems to convey its over, move on, 'I'm sorry" but it's bigger than that to her. I agree Skeen, he could have done this at home with the parents, Monique, and himself. Oprah didn't need to facilitate.

  2. does the family wanna talk to him? Or did they cut any discourse between each other? Sure its a way to get in her good graces, thats the point of an apology. I just don't think fame is the motive, I don't think she is that much bigger than she was before the academy award. Why didn't he try this before?

    one things for sure, that took a lot of guts!


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